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How do I delete a cache of SuperOffice Windows application?

I have been recommended to delete SOCache to reset my SuperOffice Windows application. How do I do it?

In SOCache folder you will find cached all database tables that your SuperOffice Windows application use to ensure faster performance.

If for troubleshooting reasons you were suggested to delete SOCache, please follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to SOCache folder. Normally it is stored in Appdata. E.g. C:\Users\Superoffice\AppData\Local\SuperOffice\SOCache

  2. Select all the files in the folder and delete them. It is not dangerous to delete these files as the content of the folder will be recreated again as soon as you start SuperOffice CRM.


  1. By pressing F5 button you will update the interface of your SuperOffice only. For example, if using another application causes some changes to SuperOffice interface, such as a  blank dialog box, pressing the F5 key will remove it. From SuperOffice 8.5 cache can be flushed by pressing on the start icon and clicking on the Flush cache option.

  2. In so_log.txt (log file of Windows Client) you might find lines like this example: [SOCRM.exe] HDB Cache hit rate 80%. Details: 105 hits, 26 misses, 2981 elements total; 1000000000 memory limit, 7788939 used.  Max used: 7788939, total loaded: 2981, total purged: 0. Src: SHdbCache::OutputStatistics at c:\agent1\_work\226\s\clients\\source\hdb\hcache.cpp v line 647 It's a statistics from the cache system, which tells how much of  information was found in SOCache, how much wasn't and had to be loaded from the database. Also it gives information on the computer's available memory limit and how much of it did SuperOffice used on this operation.